Are you the kind of person who wants to stay healthy? Cold and flu season is upon us, so here's a post with some practical tips on how to keep from getting colds. I used to get a lot of colds, multiple per year. The average adult apparently gets 2-4 of them every year. But with some changes to my behavior and lifestyle, I was able to dramatically reduce the number of colds I get. In fact, while I do still get sick sometimes, I almost never get an actual common cold. So while this is not medical advice - for that talk to your doctor … [Read more...]
Moving Beyond Resilience
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb I had never read any books by Nassim Taleb of "black swan" fame until some hilarious retweets from his Twitter account caused me to start following him. Taleb is a witty and opinionated fellow. He's lately been hating on what he labels the "Intellectual Yet Idiot" class. Here's a recent Facebook post of his on the topic that went viral. What's a IYI? Intellectual Yet Idiot: semi-erudite bureaucrat who thinks he is an erudite; pathologizes others for doing things he … [Read more...]