Columbus, Ohio has been doing very well as a city in recent years. It’s the fastest growing major Midwest city in population and second fastest in job growth. They recently won the US DOT’s Smart City Challenge grant, which has been generating some buzz.
I was in Columbus this week to speak again at the Columbus Metropolitan Club. I talked a bit about Columbus’ performance, where it goes from here, some of the challenges it faces, how to build a better national brand, etc. The video of the event, which I’m told will also air on public television throughout Ohio, is below. If the video doesn’t display for you, click over to watch on You Tube.
I’ve lived in Columbus for more than half my life now and It’s definitely growing faster and faster every year. I’ve lived in different parts as well so I’ve been able to experience traffic flow variations all over. Even though we’re on the path to becoming overpopulated, I’ve seen lots of interventions in the works over the past few years that really have increased the efficiency of traffic flow in the city (mainly the newly completed 670 exits). I hope they continue to work on other main roads as well, preferably Morse Rd in Gahanna.